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  • Bruno A Lima. Evaluation of deceased donors' kidney allocation systems on transplantation. 2024, Doctoral thesis, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16403.28967

  • Bruno A Lima. Calculated Human Leucocyte Antigens Evolutionary Divergence (cHED). OBM Transplantation, 2024; Volume 8,Issue 1 

  • Bruno A.Lima, Helena Alves. Revision of the Portuguese Rules for the Selection of the Donor‐Recipient Pair in Kidney Transplantation. Portguese Kidney Journal 2024; Vol 38, Num 1

  • Bruno A.Lima, Filipe Reis, Helena Alves, Teresa S. Henriques. Equity matrix for kidney transplant allocation. Transplant Immunology 2023; Volume 81, 101917

  • Debora Jorge Cordeiro, Juliette Villemonteix, Aliénor Xhaard, Ophélie Ferrary, Bruno A. Lima, Vincent ALLAIN, Sophie Caillat-Zucman. HLA evolutionary divergence (HED) influences the outcome of haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in adult patients with haematological malignancies. HLA 2023; 101(4), XX (abstract)

  • Bruno A Lima.  Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) evolutionary divergence (HED) calculator. HLA 2023; 101(4), XX (abstract)

  • Leonor M Almeida, Ana Luísa Fernandes, Bruno A Lima, […], and António Morais,  Mortality risk prediction with ILD-GAP index in a fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis cohort. Ther Adv Respir Dis. 2022 (16) Jan-Dec.

  • Bruno A lima, Filipe P Reis, histoc: Histocompatibility analysis performed by kidney allocation systems. JOSS 2022 7(80), 4807

  • Bruno A Lima, Teresa S Henriques, Filipe Pinto Reis, Helena Alves. Transplant Open Registry Initiative. Port J Nephrol Hypert 2022; 36(4): 201-206

  • Patrícia Caetano Mota, Miguel Luz Soares, Carlos Daniel Vasconcelos, António Carlos Ferreira, Bruno A Lima, Elisabetta Manduchi, Jason H Moore, Natália Melo, Hélder Novais-Bastos, José Miguel Pereira, Susana Guimarães, Conceição Souto Moura, José Agostinho Marques, António Morais. Predictive value of common genetic variants in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis survival. J Mol Med (Berl). 2022 Sep;100(9):1341-1353

  • Bruno A.Lima, Teresa S. Henriques, Helena Alves. Kidney allocation rules simulator. Transplant Immunology 2022; Volume 72, 101578

  • Cláudia Freitas, Bruno Lima, NatáliaMelo, Patrícia Mota, Hélder Novais-Bastos, Helena Alves, Oksana Sokhatska, Luís Delgado, António Morais. Distinct TNF-alpha and HLA polymorphisms associate with fibrotic and non-fibrotic subtypes of hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Pulmonology 2021; availble online

  • Available online 8 October 2021

  • Bruno A Lima, Teresa Henriques, Helena Alves. Kidney Allocation Rules Simulator. Transplant International 2021; Vol34 (Suppl. 1), 228 (abstract)

  • Bruno A Lima, Teresa Henriques, Helena Alves. Comparing Scores for Predicting Kidney Transplantation Outcomes. Transplant International 2021; Vol34 (Suppl. 1), 228-229 (abstract)

  • A Carvalho, R Cunha, Bruno A Lima, JM Pereira, AJ Madureira. Chest CT imaging features of COVID-19 pneumonia: first radiological insights from Porto, Portugal. European Journal of Radiology Open 2020; November 28th.

  • Cláudia Freitas, Bruno Lima, Natália Martins, Natália Melo, Patrícia Mota, Hélder Novais-Bastos, Helena Alves, Oksana Sokhatska, Luís Delgado, António Morais. Cytokine gene polymorphisms in Pigeon Breeder’s Disease expression. Sarcoidosis Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung Disease 2020; 37 (3); e2020004

  • Bruno A Lima, Helena Alves. Access to kidney transplantation: a bioethical perspective. Port J Nephrol Hypert 2020; 34(1): 107-109 

  • Bruno A Lima, Helena Alves. Comparing the ScandiaTransplant kidney allocation system with a color priority kidney allocation system. Transplant International 2019; Vol32(Suppl 2): 361 (abstract)

  • Bruno A Lima, Helena Alves. Looking for proposals on a new kidney allocation system. Port J Nephrol Hypert 2019; 33(1): 75-76 

  • Lima BA, Alves H. Portuguese calculated panel reactive antibodies online estimator. HLA. 2019; 93(6):445-450

  • Silva AL, Melo N, Caetano Mota P, Lima B, Pereira JM, Cunha R, Guimarães S, Souto-Moura C, Morais A. Pulmonary Sarcoidosis: Prognostic Factors at Diagnosis in Patients from North of Portugal. Reumatol Clin. Dec 14. pii: S1699-258X(18), 2018

  • Bruno A Lima, Helena Alves. Informação disponível sobre transplantação renal: Portugal na União Europeia a 28. Observações - Boletim Epidemiológico, 7(23), 2018: 67-71

  • Bruno A Lima, Helena Alves. Evaluation of the Portuguese kidney transplant allocation system: comparative results from a simulation. Port J Nephrol Hypert 32(2), 2018: 201-207 

  • Bruno A Lima, Helena Alves. Assessment of a Portuguese Panel Reactive Antibody calculator. HLA 91(5), 2018: pp374 (abstract) 

  • L.M. Almeida, B. Lima, P.C. Mota, N. Melo, A. Magalhães, J.M. Pereira, C.S. Moura, S. Guimarães, A. Morais. Learning curve for transbronchial lung cryobiopsy in diffuse lung disease. Rev Port Pneumol. 24(1), 2018: 23-31

  • Bruno A Lima, Helena Alves. Seleção do Par Dador-Recetor em Transplante Renal:Resultados Comparativos de uma Simulação. Acta Med Port 30(12), 2017: 854-860

  • Bruno A Lima. A call for open data of renal transplantation in Portugal. Port J Nephrol Hypert 31(3), 2017: 155-157

  • Bruno A Lima, Helena Alves. Atividade do transplante renal de 2003 a 2016: Portugal na União Europeia a 28. Observações - Boletim Epidemiológico, 6(19), 2017: 16-19

  • Bruno A Lima, Helena Alves. Comparing the EuroTransplant Kidney Allocation System with a Color Priority  Kidney Allocation System. Transplant International. 30(Suppl 2), 2017: pp208-209 (abstract) 

  • Bruno A Lima, Helena Alves. Evolução da atividade de transplantação renal em Portugal: dados públicos de 2003 a 2015. Observações - Boletim Epidemiológico, 6(18), 2017: 24-27

  • Bruno A Lima, Helena Alves. Interferon-Gamma +874 Polymorphism is not associated with Chronic Graft Disease: evidence from a Meta-Analysis. HLA. 89(6), 2017: pp406 (abstract) 

  • Morais A, Lima B, Alves H, Melo N, Mota PC, Marques A, Delgado L. Associations between sarcoidosis clinical course and ANXA11 rs1049550 C/T, BTNL2 rs2076530 G/A, and HLAclass I and II alleles. Clin Respir J. 2016

  • Bruno A. Lima, Helena Alves. Transforming Growth Factor-B1 polymorphism is not associated with chronic graft disease: evidence from a meta-analysis. HLA. 87(4), 2016: pp267 (abstract)

  • Bruno A. Lima. Rationale for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial to test effectiveness of adding rituximab in desensitization protocols of hyper-sensitized kidney transplant candidates. Transplant International. 28(Suppl 24), 2015: pp551 (abstract)

  • Bruno A. Lima, Helena Alves. Virtual crossmatch and calculated panel reactive antibody: two sides of the same coin. Transplant International. 28(Suppl 24), 2015: pp813 (abstract)

  • Bruno A Lima, Miguel Mendes, Helena Alves. Interleukine-6 promoter polymorphism -174G/C association with chronic nephropathy of the graft: a Meta-Analysis. Tissue Antigens. 85 (5), 2015: pp407 (abstract)

  • Bruno A Lima, Miguel Mendes, Helena Alves. Interleukine-6 promoter polymorphism -174G/C is not associated with acute rejection episodes after kidney transplantation: a Meta-Analysis. Tissue Antigens. 85 (5), 2015: pp407 (abstract)

  • Helena Alves, Bruno Lima, António Morais. Associação de genes HLA e não HLA com a suscetibilidade para a sarcoidose na população portuguesa do norte. Observações - Boletim Epidemiológico, 9(3), 2014: 15-18

  • Bruno A. Lima, Miguel Mendes, Helena Alves. A proposal for a new kidney allocation system. Tissue Antigens. 84, 2014: pp82 (abstract)

  • Bruno A. Lima, Miguel Mendes, Helena Alves. Measuring Access to Kidney Transplantation. Tissue Antigens. 84, 2014: pp83 (abstract)

  • Bruno A. Lima, António Morais, Helena Alves. ANXA11 association with sarcoidosis susceptibility: A meta-analysis of non-family based studies. Tissue Antigens. 84, 2014: pp110 (abstract)

  • Bruno A. Lima, Miguel Mendes, Helena Alves. Measuring kidney transplantation activity. Port J Nephrol Hypert, 28(2), 2014: 171-176

  • Bruno A. Lima, Miguel Mendes, Helena Alves. Kidney transplant allocation in Portugal. Port J Nephrol Hypert, 27(4), 2013: 313-316

  • A. Morais, B. Lima, M. Peixoto, N. Melo, H. Alves, J. A. Marques, L. Delgado. Annexin A11 gene polymorphism (R230C variant) and sarcoidosis in a Portuguese population. Tissue Antigens. 82 (3), 2013: 186–191

  • Bruno A. Lima, Miguel Mendes, Helena Alves. Hypersensitized candidates to kidney transplantation in Portugal. Port J Nephrol Hypert. 27(2), 2013: 77-81

  • C. Fernandes, T. Pais, I. Ribeiro, S. Fernandes, A.P. Silva, M. Alves, R. Almeida, B. Lima, J. Carvalho, J. Fraga. Fatty Liver Index: Validação e sua aplicação no fígado gordo não alcoólico e obesidade visceral. GE J Port Gastrenterol. 20(Espec Congr), 213-June:pp11 (abstract)

  • T. Pinto-Pais, C. Fernandes, I. Ribeiro, S. Fernandes, A.P. Silva, M. Alves, R. Almeida, B. Lima, J. Carvalho, J. Fraga. Fígado gordo não alcoólico: Prevalência, manifestações cardiovasculares e gordura visceral - um estudo numa população adulta. GE J Port Gastrenterol. 20(Espec Congr), 213-June:pp13 (abstract)

  • Bruno A. Lima, Miguel Mendes, Helena Alves. Applying virtual crossmatch approach in Portuguese kidney transplants. Tissue Antigens. Volume 81, Issue 5, May 2013: pp339 (abstract)

  • Bruno A. Lima, Helena Alves. HLA-A, -C, -B, and -DRB1 allelic and haplotypic diversity in bone marrow volunteer donors from Northern Portugal. Organs, Tissues & Cells. Volume 16(1), 2013, March: 19-26

  • Bruno A. Lima, Miguel Mendes, Helena Alves. Kidney transplantation in the north of Portugal: donor type and recipient time on dialysis. Port J Nephrol Hypert. 27(1), 2013: 23-30

  • António Morais, Bruno Lima, Maria José Peixoto, Helena Alves, Agostinho Marques, Luís Delgado. BTNL2 gene polymorphism associations with susceptibility and phenotype expression in sarcoidosis. Respiratory Medicine. 106, 2012: 1771-1777

  • António Morais, Bruno Lima, Sandra Tafulo, Maria Peixoto, Helena Alves, Natalia Melo, Patricia Mota, Agostinho Marques, Luis Delgado. Evaluation of ANXA11 rs1049550 SNP linkage with sarcoidosis susceptibility. European Respiratory Journal. Vol 40(S56), 2012, September: S4 (abstract)

  • Bruno A Lima, Helena Alves. A Portuguese Living Donor Exchange Program. Organs, Tissues & Cells. Volume 15(2), 2012, June: 123-129

  • Bruno A Lima. Bone Marrow Volunteer Donors recruitment in Northern Portugal. Acta Médica Portuguesa. Volume 24(S2), 2011, December: 301-306

  • Gustavo Rocha, Elisa Proença, Augusta Areias, Fátima Freitas, Bruno Lima, Teresa Rodrigues, Helena Alves, Hercília Guimarães. HLA and bronchopulmonary dysplasia susceptibility: A pilot study. Disease Markers. Volume 31, Number 4 / 2011:199-203

  • Bruno A. Lima, Helena Alves. Kidney transplantation from living donors in Nothern Portugal. Transplant International, Vol 24, Issue Supplement s2, 2011, September: 242 (abstract)

  • M. Peixoto, B. Lima, M. Mendes, E. Cruz, M. Dias, H. Alves. Vascular rejections in renal transplanted patients – a preliminary study of thrombotic genetic factors. Tissue Antigens,  vol 77 issue 5, 2011, May: 439-440 (abstract)

  • AP Vaz, A Morais, MC Palmares, N Melo, M Beltrão, B Lima, L. Delgado. BAL neutrophilia as a predictor factor on IPF mortality. European Respiratory Journal, Vol. 36, Supl. 54. 2010, Sept (abstract)

  • Helena Alves, Bruno Lima, Maria Peixoto, Carla Lima, Manuel Dias, João Mota, Ricardo Gonçalves, Fátima Freitas. Northern Portuguese bone marrow donors registry allele frequencies for HLA-A, B, DRB1. Tissue Antigens 75 vol. 5, 2010, May: 519 (abstract)

  • Helena Alves, Bruno Lima, Maria Peixoto, Carla Lima, João Mota, Ana Paiva, Susana Oliveira, Filomena. Allele frequencies for HLA-A, C, B, DRB1 detected by SBT in the bone marrow donor registry of Northern Portugal. Tissue Antigens 75 vol. 5, 2010, May: 519 (abstract)

  • Gustavo Rocha, Elisa Proença, Augusta Areias, Fátima Freitas, Bruno A. Lima, Helena Alves, Hercília Guimarães. Association between HLA and susceptibility to bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Tissue Antigens 75 vol. 5 , 2010, May: 519 (abstract)

  • João P. Mota, Luisa M. Batista, Elisabete Mora, Fátima Freitas, Bruno A. Lima, Helena Alves. Bone marrow unrelated donors from North Portugal. Tissue Antigens 75 vol. 5 , 2010, May: 562 (abstract)

  • A Morais, N Melo, B Lima, H Alves, R Gonçalves, S Tafulo. DQB1*06 como marcador de cronicidade em doentes com sarcoidose e eritema nodoso como apresentação clínica. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia, Vol. XVI-Supl 2, 2010, March: pág. S 20.

  • Bruno A. Lima, Leonídio Dias, António C. Henriques, Helena Alves. The Portuguese match algorithm in the kidney paired donation program. Organs, Tissues & Cells (13), 2010, March: 25-32

  • Bruno A Lima, Leonídio Dias, António C. Henriques, Helena Alves. A proposal for a Portuguese kidney paired donation program. Transplant International, Vol. 22 Supplement 2, 2009, August: S100 (abstract)

  • Bruno A Lima, Helena Alves. Kidney paired exchange programs around the world. Transplant International, Vol. 22 Supplement 2, 2009, August: S185 (abstract)

  • Fernando Coelho, Natália Melo, Bruno Lima, António Morais. Estudo de uma serie de doentes com doença dos criadores de aves e avaliação de factores de prognóstico relacionados com a sua evolução clínica. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia, Vol XV Supplement 1, 2009, March: S28 (abstract)

  • Bruno A Lima. Acesso ao transplante de rim de dador cadáver no norte de Portugal2008, Masters thesis, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto.

  • António Morais, Helena Alves, Bruno Lima, Luís Delgado, Ricardo Gonçalves, Sandra Tafulo. Estudo de polimorfismos genéticos do HLA (classe I e II) e do TN F-α em doentes com sarcoidose. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia, Vol XIV nº6, 2008, November/December: 727-746

  • Edite Rio, Bruno A Lima, Manuel Dias, Cláudia V Pereira, Helena Alves. Apoliprotein E genotypes and rapid progression on the expanded disability status score in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis; 14, 2008, October : S197 (abstract)

  • H Alves, B Lima, C Mendes, S Oliveira, M Peixoto, C Lima. Association between total lymphocyte counts and HLA alleles Tissue Antigens, Vol 71, Issue 4,2008, April: pag 353 (abstract)

  • Natália Melo, António Morais, Bruno Lima, Ricardo Gonçalves, Helena Alves. Associação do HLA classe I e II com sarcoidose familiar. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia, Vol XIV, Sup1, 2008, March: pag. S23 (abstract)

  • Edite Rio, Bruno A Lima, Susana Oliveira, Carla Lima, Maria José Peixoto, Helena Alves. HLA-DRB1* in Multiple Sclerosis severity in Portuguese population. Multiple Sclerosis Vol. 13, Supplement 2, 2007, September: page s194 (abstract)

  • E Rio, S Oliveira, B Lima, C Lima, F Mendes, H Alves. HLA and MS course in Patients from the North of Portugal. Multiple Sclerosis Vol. 13, Supplement 2, 2007, September: page s194 (abstract)

  • Lima B, Alves H. Cadaveric kidney transplantation waiting list: sociodemographic predictors for single listing. Transplant International, Vol. 20, s2, 2007, September: Page 351 (abstract)

  • Lima B, Alves H. Access of double listed patients to cadaveric kidney transplantation. Transplant International, Vol. 20, s2, 2007, September: Page 351 (abstract)

  • Alves H, Lima B, Monteiro M. Equity in transplantation: the perpetual nightmare. Transplant International, Vol. 20 s2, 2007, September: Page 109 (abstract)

  • Lima B, Alves H. Access to renal transplantation in the north of Portugal. Transplant International, Vol. 20 s2, September, 2007: Page 104 (abstract)

  • H Alves, B Lima, S Tafulo, R Gonçalves, F Mendes, C Lima, M Dias, F Freitas. Comparing HLA-A*, -C*, -B*, -DRB1*, -DQB1* phase-known haplotypes from two control samples. Tissue Antigens, Vol 69, nº 5, 2007, May: pag.531 (abstract)

  • S Tafulo, B Lima, M Dias, F Mendes, R Gonçalves, M Fernandes, C Vaz, H Alves. Tumor Necrosis Factor microsatellite alleles in patients with ankylosing spondylitis in north of Portugal. Tissue Antigens, Vol 69, nº 5, 2007, May: pag.478 (abstract)

  • H Alves, M Bernardes, M Fernandes, B Lima, R Gonçalves, C Vaz, A Lopes Vaz. Cytokine gene polymorphism in rheumatoid arthritis Portugal (ECRAF). Tissue Antigens, Vol 69, nº 5, 2007, May: pag.477-478 (abstract)

  • A Morais, B Lima, N Pires, R Gonçalves, A Gartner, S Oliveira, M Dias, H Alves. HLA and Sarcoidosis susceptibility. Tissue Antigens, Vol 69, nº 5, 2007, May: pag.468 (abstract)

  • B Lima, A Gartner, S Oliveira, S Tafulo, F Mendes, S Barros, H Alves. HLA-A*, B* and C* high resolution typing frequencies. Tissue Antigens, Vol 69, nº 5, 2007, May: pag.428 (abstract)

  • H Alves, B Lima, S Tafulo, R Gonçalves, M Dias, F Mendes, C Lima, F Freitas. 1300 HLA phase-known haplotypes. HLA-A*, -C*, -B*, -DRB1*, -DQB1* frequencies from a north of Portugal sample. Tissue Antigens, Vol 69, nº 5, 2007, May: pag.425 (abstract)

  • Morais A, Lima B, Gonçalves R, Delgado L, Alves H. Polimorfismos Genéticos de Citocinas Anti-Inflamatórias na Sarcoidose. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia, Vol. XII, nº6 (Supl 1), pag. 16-17S, Dezembro 2006 (abstract)

  • Rio E, Lima B, Tafulo S, Mendes F, Alves H. HLA allele association and Multiple Sclerosis in North Portuguese Patients. Multiple Sclerosis, Volume12, Supplement 1, 2006, September: S70-S71 (abstract)

  • Melo N, Morais A, Lima B, Gonçalves R, Tafulo S, Alves H. Major Histocompatibility Complex and cytokines polymorphisms in hypersensitivity pneumonitis. European Respiratory Journal, Vol. 28, nº3, 2006,September :829s (abstract)

  • Morais A, Pires N, Lima B, Gonçalves R, Tafulo S, Alves H. HLA- class I and II genotyping in sarcoidosis patients. European Respiratory Journal, Vol. 28, nº3, 2006, September: 354s (abstract)

  • H Alves, B Lima, S Tafulo, R Gonçalves, F Mendes, M Dias, F Freitas. Accuracy of Haplotype Frequency Estimation for HLA-A*, -C*, -B*, -DRB1*, -DQB*: Comparison with 1262 real haplotypes, in the North of Portugal. Tissue Antigens, Vol. 67, issue 6, 2006, June: 578-579  (abstract)

  • Melo N, Morais A, Lima B, Gonçalves R, Tafulo S, Alves H. Polimorfismos de citocinas inflamatórias na pneumonite de hipersensibilidade. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia, Vol. XII, nº2 (Supl 1), 2006, March: pag. S38 (abstract)

  • H. Alves, A. Gartner, M. Fernandes, J.M. Bernardes, R. Gonçalves, B. Lima, C. Maia, S. Tafulo, F. Mendes, M. Dias, S. Oliveira, A. Lopes-Vaz, F. Ventura. HLA-DRB1* alleles by SBT in Rheumatoid Arthritis – Portugal (ECRAF). Tissue Antigens, Volume 66, Issue 5, 2005, November : Page 346-347 (abstract)

  • H.Alves, B. Lima, S. Tafulo, M. Dias, F.Mendes, R. Gonçalves, A. Barros. Allele and haplotype frequencies for HLA- A*, C*, B*, DRB1* and DQB1* in 357 Portuguese families. Tissue Antigens, Volume 66, Issue 5, 2005, November : Page 347 (abstract)

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