Portuguese cPRA calculator
This page should be cited as: Lima BA, Alves H. Portuguese calculated panel reactive antibodies online estimator. HLA. 2019 Mar
The calculated Panel Reactive Antibody (cPRA) is an estimate for the probability of positive virtual CrossMatch, considering HLA typing of a given group of potential donors, based on the HLA antigens from which a transplant candidate is sensitized [1 ,2].
For this cPRA estimator we used HLA (allelic and haplotype) frequencies of 37,993 bone marrow voluntary donors, published previously [3]. cPRA values calculation was done as described by Kransdorf et al in 2017 [4]. Briefly, from the selected antigens, cPRA is calculated considering those pre-defined allelic and haplotypic frequencies, being:
for allelic frequencies (AF): S1 = AF(HLA-A*) + AF(HLA-B*) + AF(HLAC*) + AF(HLA-DRB1*);
for haplotypic frequencies (HF): S2 = HF(HLA-A*-B*) + HF(HLA-A*-C*) + HF(HLA-A*-DRB1*) + HF(HLA-B*-C*) + HF(HLA-B*-DRB1*) + HF(HLA-C*-DRB1*);
S3 = HF(HLA-A*-B*-C*) + HF(HLA-A*-B*-DRB1*) + HF(HLA-A*-C*-DRB1*) + HF(HLA-B*-C*-DRB1*);
S4 = HF(HLA-A*-B*-C*-DRB1*).
According to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium: cPRA = 1 - (1 - S1 + S2 - S3 + S4)^2.
Transplantability percentages (T%), given herein, return the percentages of possible donors that are AB0 identical or AB0 compatible and have HLA antigens acceptable to the potential candidate. For T% calculation we used blood groups' allelic frequencies previously described for Portuguese blood donors [5]. The respective AB0 groups genotype frequencies were estimated applying Hardy-Weinberg principles.
In comparison to cPRA value, T% has the advantage of considering both the HLA and AB0 systems to estimate the possibility of finding a compatible donor for a particular transplant candidate.
[1] - Bruno A Lima, Helena Alves. Seleção do Par Dador-Recetor em Transplante Renal:Resultados Comparativos de uma Simulação. Acta Med Port 30(12), 2017: 854-860
[2] - Bruno A. Lima, Miguel Mendes, Helena Alves. Hypersensitized candidates to kidney transplantation in Portugal. Port J Nephrol Hypert. 27(2), 2013: 77-81
[3] - Bruno A. Lima, Helena Alves. HLA-A, -C, -B, and -DRB1 allelic and haplotypic diversity in bone marrow volunteer donors from Northern Portugal. Organs, Tissues & Cells. Volume 16(1), 2013, March: 19-26
[4] - Kransdorf E, Pando M, Gragert L, Kaplan B. HLA Population Genetics in Solid Organ Transplantation. Transplantation 101(9), 2017: 1971-1976
[5] - Duran J, Chabert T, Rodrigues F, Pestana D. Distribuição dos grupos sanguíneos na população portuguesa. AB0 29, 2007: 5-17.
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